Woke up at 6:45 am this morning so we could vote early... anticipating long lines and such (for me, I needed to go so I could get to work on time). So Scott wakes up Bethany, Scottie and Mark and they actually are wanting to get up and go! So we all go down to our local polling place. There we find we're in the longest line, based on our last name, about 30 people--the longest line I've ever stood in to vote. One by one we check-in with that name that no one can seem to find on their list and finally get our ballots. While we were waiting, I realize and then ask if Mark and Scott have ever voted for a President before, and turns out this was the first time for both! Because they didn't have enough booths, and the ballots were the kind you draw the line in for your answer (not punch or electronic), everyone was encouraged to get a black pen and go anywhere to fill out their ballots to help speed things along. The coolest part? Our family went to do this altogether, and (I think) we all voted pretty much the same. (Except Bethany--she wrote in her candidate!) Wish Amanda and Jo could've have been there too! I proudly wore my "I Voted" sticker all day...